Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Hobble Creek Stake Roundtable on May 8 was very good and well attended. I didn’t count numbers, but I think we had as good attendance and participation as some of our district roundtables have been.  Here’s a summary of what I observed & learned:

President Vince Wilding did an excellent job of outlining scouting’s supporting role to the Aaronic Priesthood.  He used a few projected slides to review the mission statement of the Aaronic Priesthood and how we can accomplish the points therein. My observation was--though he didn’t mention it directly--is that his counsel and the principles he outlined are in tandem with the Scout Oath and Law.

Two of his key points: (a) the focus is all about “Duty to God” and the Aaronic Priesthood. We don’t do anything that doesn’t support the Aaronic Priesthood (b) it’s his feeling that we can’t predict the future of scouting in the LDS Church, but the Church will be able to always find the way to adapt ideals and programs that the Church and Scouting hold in common.

President Blaine Bird then outlined the need for the support of effective committees to take some of the burden off the unit leaders. Questions and answers were taken on the when and why of tour plans.

We then broke into 11-yr old, Scout, Varsity, and Venture age groups. I attended the Venture group. Young Men’s President Ben Knowlton opened the session up for questions and comments. Several of the brethren present discussed methods of teaching principles and letting the boys teach the priesthood classes. Getting the boys attending and involved in weeknight meetings and other activities was brought up. President Wilding pointed out the importance of developing traditions.

I’d like to hear how some of the other sessions went, as well as other Stake Roundtables. Let’s share ideas!


At May 11, 2013 at 9:10 AM , Blogger Tawna said...

Yeah, well it would have been good to know in advance that "Stake Roundtable" was actually an "Aaronic Priesthood Leadership" meeting before I showed up a few minutes late and find myself the only female in the audience. I sat thru Pres. Wilding's comments (agreed, for the most part with him) and then left. If this is what Stake Roundtable is going to be, then I object to this plan. Not that I don't agree with the LDS/BSA concept of things, but I want to be a part of every Roundtable meeting every month. There are things that I want to learn and be a part of the discussion in. Besides that, in the 11-year old session that Ron went to, he and another guy there had to correct the stake leader conducting (Tim Metler) on the LDS policies regarding camping. I just wish it would go back to a District Roundtable staff that conducted and taught each month and not having the Stakes rotate thru the year. It's so un-constructed (that's a new word I think)and hard to learn from someone who will admit right up front that they are new and don't know what's going on.

I'm done ranting. I've just had a hard time coming down from my frustrated state of mind since Thursday.


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